While not all women experience hemorrhoids dusting pregnancy, but unfortunately, for some, hemorrhoids are just on the cards. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear in the rectal area and are usually painful. Often they appear in the third trimester and in the first month after birth.
During pregnancy, you have extra blood volume which can, at times, pool up in certain body parts body which are most affected by gravity such as rectum. This results in hemorrhoids. Moreover, growing uterus enhances pressure to the region, which makes it susceptible to swelling.
Extra blood volume also means sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time can make you more prone to hemorrhoids. Lifting heavy objects may also lead to this disease.
Constipation can also aggravate hemorrhoids because of strain to pass bowel movement.
Although you are more prone to hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but they are definitely not unavoidable. If you notice symptoms of hemorrhoids, here are few ways to prevent ward off hemorrhoids.
If you feel severe pain or notice bleeding from your anus, consult your doctor or midwife. Probably, it is the hemorrhoids bleeding or an anal fissure, caused by straining from constipation.
For most women, haemorrhoids gets better after delivery, with the help of some home treatments. However, in some cases, you may need to consult a specialist to help treat haemorrhoids. In rare cases, minor surgery is required.
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