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Hemorrhoids Home Treatment

It is estimated that 50% of population in US will suffer from haemorrhoids by the age of 50. Categorized by swollen and inflamed veins, the disease was one of the top health trends in 2012. However, you’ll be happy to know that you can do many things at home to ease the pain, swelling and inflammation of haemorrhoids. Most often these are the only cures required.

Cold Compress

A home remedy that can guarantee you soothe hemorrhoid pain: Sit on a cold compress. Take small pieces of ice cubes and put in a reclosable plastic bag. Cover it with a thick paper towel and just sit on it. A cold compress can help reduce pain, inflammation and swelling, which will make it easier to pass stools. It can be used 3-4 times a day; however, the best time to apply cold compress is one hour before going to bed.

Sometimes people are confused if they should use hot or cold compress. Do remember that to help relieve the pain caused by the condition; cold compress will work best, while warm water will work in cleaning the affected area.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, with its astringent property, is highly beneficial to treat haemorrhoid and helps to shrink the swollen blood vessels.

For internal haemorrhoid add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it twice a day. To make it taste better, you can add honey to it. Take ACV daily up to three times a day.

For external haemorrhoid, soak a cotton ball, gently ring it out and apply it directly to the affected area for about 30 minutes. You should see instant improvement. Please note that applying directly can cause a stinging sensation initially but will decrease the swelling and pain instantly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory therapeutic properties that can help reduce pain and irritation caused by Piles.

For external haemorrhoid, apply aloe vera gel to anus and massage slowly on the area, several times a day, especially after visiting bathroom. It can help veins shrink down to its usual size again. Gel from direct plant is considered as one of the best. If you don’t have one, then 100% whole leaf aloe gel is also considered as the best.

To treat internal haemorrhoid, drink pure aloe vera juice every day. It contains over 200 active healing components which help to cleanse the intestinal tract of build-up and allows nutrients to be absorbed effectively. Moreover, with its anti-inflammatory compounds, it also offers the immune system an additional support in reducing inflammation.

Olive Oil

One home treatment for haemorrhoids, which is highly effective, is olive oil. Olive oil contains essential vitamins such as fatty-acids, Vitamin E, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to treat external haemorrhoids.

Olive oil increases the flexibility of blood vessels and reduces inflammation and monounsaturated fats, recovering the functionality of the excretory system. It can yield long-lasting relief from the swelling generated by bleeding.

You can also apply the mixture of olive oil and juice of plum leaves on your haemorrhoids to help relieve pain. Do not use olive oil for internal haemorrhoids.

If you are relying on laxatives, you need to be careful, since they are temporary solution to constipation and not haemorrhoids.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice consists of vitamin C and various other nutrients that can strengthen capillaries and blood vessel walls and provide relief from haemorrhoids. Take some fresh lemon juice and dip a cotton pad in it and apply the drenched cotton right to your pile. Initially there can be burning sensation and mild tingling, but relief will follow soon.

Lemon juice acts by preventing digestion problems and helping the organism fight against infections and inflammations.

Alternatively, mix one-and-half teaspoon each of lemon juice, honey and ginger juice. Consuming this entire concoction once daily can be highly beneficial to treat haemorrhoids.

Whole Grain

Foods that help relieve constipation can ease irritation and pain caused by haemorrhoids. Increasing intake of dietary fibers can help treat haemorrhoids.

Whole grains have all nourishing parts of grain. Consequently, they give more micronutrients like folate, selenium, fiber, minerals and protein than refined grains. And make healthy option for breakfast in haemorrhoid diet. Oats contain more soluble fiber, thus it is advisable to take oats in breakfast.

If you are currently taking refined products, such as white bread or instant rice, consume whole grain equivalents instead such as air-popped popcorn, brown rice, oatmeal.

One of the most effective ways to prevent this disease from emerging at first place is to eat lots of fiber.

Black Tea Bags

Black tea bags contain tannic acid which acts as a natural astringent and can help ease pain and swelling associated with haemorrhoids.  The warmth of teabag is comforting in itself.

Dip a black tea bag in hot water for one or two minutes. Squeeze out some water apply it to the swollen veins. Hold it until the teabag was no longer warm, 10 minutes at least, to make sure the itch doesn’t return.

Replace with fresh tea bags and practice this 2-3 times in a day to alleviate haemorrhoids.

Alternatively, you can also apply used, cold tea bags to affected area for 5-10 minutes.



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