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Postpartum Body Fun – Hemorrhoids is One of Those!

Your newborn is surely your top priority right now – but postpartum care counts too. Many changes occur in your body during pregnancy, more than you think. Women are more prone to Hemorrhoids during as well as after pregnancy, which is caused by pressure from pushing during labor or constipation.

Constance Bohon, M.D., an ob-gyn in Washington, D.C, says that women are at increased risk after pregnancy but can happen to anyone.

Why do women get Hemorrhoids after or during pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy due to increase in your blood volume. During delivery, the pressure inside the veins is increased because of pushing. Because of this over-extension and the pressure, painful external hemorrhoids is developed during childbirth.

If someone gets Hemorrhoids during delivery, they are always external hemorrhoids, not internal.


Is Hemorrhoids caused by Vaginal or C-section?

It depends on whether you have already developed hemorrhoids during childbirth. Vaginal delivery is more probably to cause Hemorrhoids to become symptomatic. However, with a C-section, the possibility of Hemorrhoids depends more on how much pushing one does before surgery or how long the woman was in the labor.

Surgical treatment after birth

For treating Hemorrhoids after childbirth, several treatments are available ranging from nominally invasive techniques to extensive ones. Consult your doctor to determine if you are a candidate for surgical treatment. Your options may vary depending on how far along you are with recovery after childbirth.

However, there is something to cheer up. Invasive hemorrhoids procedure can be done without any sort of cutting or stapling. There is shorter recovery time and requires minimum medications.

There are few methods of Hemorrhoids treatment:

  1. Rubber Band Ligation: It is the process in which hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with the help of rubber bands, which cuts off the blood flow to hemorrhoid. As a result, hemorrhoid weakens within days.
  2. Sclerotherapy: During this process, doctors will inject a chemical solution into the tissue around haemorrhoid. After the injection, scar tissue forms and your hemorrhoid starts to shrink.
  3. Hemorrhoidectomy: The process involves gently opening anus so that hemorrhoids can be cut out. You may feel the pain for few weeks, which can be controlled with the help of painkillers.

Postmartam care at home

There are things you can do to treat hemorrhoids at home:

  1. Try a sitz bath, several times a day. You can buy one at the drug store. Or you could simply soak in a bath tub.
  2. Consult your doctor about possible topical ointments for Hemorrhoids. Make sure that you are aware as how long you can use the product. Go for the approved ones only.
  3. Try lying down as much as you can to take the pressure off.
  4. Make sure that the hygiene products you use are unscented and not dyed.
  5. Apply ice packs on the affected area and keep the area clean.
  6. Your consultant may prescribe stool softeners that have hydrocortisone to ease swelling and pain.
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