While not all women experience hemorrhoids dusting pregnancy, but unfortunately, for some, hemorrhoids are just on the cards. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear in the rectal area and are usually painful. Often they appear in the third trimester and in the first month after birth.
During pregnancy, you have extra blood volume which can, at times, pool up in certain body parts body which are most affected by gravity such as rectum. This results in hemorrhoids. Moreover, growing uterus enhances pressure to the region, which makes it susceptible to swelling.
Extra blood volume also means sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time can make you more prone to hemorrhoids. Lifting heavy objects may also lead to this disease.
Constipation can also aggravate hemorrhoids because of strain to pass bowel movement.
How can you avoid getting hemorrhoids?
Although you are more prone to hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but they are definitely not unavoidable. If you notice symptoms of hemorrhoids, here are few ways to prevent ward off hemorrhoids.
- Drink plenty of fluids: It is recommended to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Fruit juices such as prune juice may also help.
- Eat high fiber diet: Eat plenty of raw fruits, vegetables, wheat bran and other supplements that help reduce constipation.
- Get plenty of exercise: To avoid constipation and thus, hemorrhoids, get regular exercise. Brisk walk if you don’t have enough time.
- Don’t fight the urge: Whenever you feel like you want to go, just go. Ignoring mother nature have its risks, and hemorrhoids could be one of those.
- Avoid straining: Straining and holding breath increases the pressure on your veins. Don’t force a bowel movement, if you don’t need to go.
- Avoid sitting or standing for long time: If your jobs needs sitting, get up every hour or so for few minutes. Try lying on your left side when sleeping to take the pressure off the rectal veins.
How to cure Hemorrhoids, when you get them?
- Use Ice Pack: Apply ice pack compress on the affected area for about 10 minutes, several times a day. Application of ice will alleviate the swelling and pain. Some women find cold compress soaked with witch hazel to be comforting.
- Sit in a warm bath: Soak your bottom in a tub with warm water for 20 minutes, few times in a day or use herbal sitz baths, which helps avoid having to fill the tub full of water and leads the warm water to the perineum. Hot baths are not recommended by doctors in pregnancy.
- Stay clean: Although, with hemorrhoids present, it can be painful to wipe your back, but cleaning is one of the important steps you can take to soothe it. Clean gently but thoroughly using warm water and unscented toilet paper to wipe your back after bowel movements. Avoid wiping hard since it can aggravate sensitive nerves.
- Consult your doctor: Ask your consultant to recommend a medicated suppository or topical cream to relieve the pain and itching. Many products are available in the market for haemorrhoid but consult your doctor before trying anything on your own.
When to call your practitioner?
If you feel severe pain or notice bleeding from your anus, consult your doctor or midwife. Probably, it is the hemorrhoids bleeding or an anal fissure, caused by straining from constipation.
For most women, haemorrhoids gets better after delivery, with the help of some home treatments. However, in some cases, you may need to consult a specialist to help treat haemorrhoids. In rare cases, minor surgery is required.